The challenge
For Improve 2022, the main challenge was to create a simple but distinctive visual branding, which could adapt to different themes without favoring any. This had to be done in a short amount of time, also considering the time needed for the physical printing of materials such as banners, brochures and passes.
The solution
To overcome the challenges posed by creating branding for Improve 2022, a creative and pragmatic strategy has been adopted. The project was entrusted to a single artist, who was able to develop a uniform concept in a short time, despite the typical corrections of a rapidly organized event. A distinctive element was the use of colors attributable to the different areas, together with creative symbolism: the letter 'O' in Improve is transformed into four 'O', symbolizing the different areas of the conference. This emphasized the concept of improvement, visually transforming the word 'Improve' into 'Improooove'.
The result
The branding work had a significant impact on the success of Improve 2022, both online and offline. He was able to place the event in the appropriate high-level context. The participants appreciated the elegance and aesthetic consistency present in all the details of the event, from invitations to passes, from banners to banners, and in all the graphic assets.